🙋粉絲問:什麼是積欠工資墊償? 勞保達人小葵來解答📢
積欠工資墊償基金提繳與墊償制度規定雇主應按月繳納一定數額的積欠工資墊償基金,作為墊償雇主積欠勞工之工資、勞動基準法之退休金、資遣費或勞工退休金條例之資遣費用途。 當雇主積欠工資、退休金或資遣費,經勞工請求未獲清償,可以先由該基金墊償,雇主應再於規定期限內,將墊款償還給基金。 #積欠工資墊償 Wage Arrears Payment Program… 更多
The wage arrears payment program stipulates that employers should pay a certain amount into the fund monthly to be used for subsequent payment of wage arrears, retirement pension and severance pay required by the provisions of Labor Standards Act, and the severance pay required by the provisions of Labor Pension Act. In case of non-payments upon the employee's request for arrears of wages, pensions, or severance pay owed by employers, the fund can temporarily cover the payments, but the employer shall repay the amount to the fund within a specified timeframe.