🙋粉絲問:什麼是身心障礙年金? 😀國保達人紅葵解答😀
被保險人在參加國保期間遭受傷害或罹患疾病,領有重度或極重度身心障礙手冊或證明,並經身心障礙鑑定醫療機構評估為無工作能力,可依規定請領身心障礙年金給付喔~ ▶更多資訊:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0013613.html #國保 Disability Pension Payments… 更多
The insured who sustain injury or sickness during the period participating in the national insurance program, are the holders of severe or extremely severe disability manuals or disability identification, and have been evaluated by medical organizations for disability appraisal as no capability to work, can claim disability pension payments. ▶For more information: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0011317.html