今年8月開始,外籍旅客如果需要請求諮詢或協助,可以找尋胸口配戴有 #外國國旗徽章 的航警同仁喔!國旗代表該同仁所具備的外語專才,讓外籍旅客不再因語言不通而求助無門,反而能有賓至如歸的親切感呢! Starting from August this year,if foreigners have a need ,they can easily find those whom wear foreign national… 更多 flag badge to request assistance or consult services.This measure will be most helpful for foreign visitors to solve their travelling problems at Taiwan,or the dilemma while they are in hopeless and helpless.And make them feel free like at home. <br> -<br> 相關新聞連結🔗 警廣新聞報導<br> 航警局同仁配戴外語胸章 貼心服務外籍旅客<br> https://www.pbs.gov.tw/cht/index.php?code=list&flag=detail&ids=143&article_id=30441 ETtoday新聞雲<br> 提升桃機服務品質 航警局認證通過配戴外國旗胸章<br> http://sg.newsrepublic.net/s/RyMTYNy