「“There is a strong need for the KMT to pick up the US work again in order to maintain better and closer contacts with Washington,” Charles I-hsin Chen said.
Chen, who won one of the KMT’s 38 seats in the… 更多 legislature, said the initial plan was to use the institute as a foundation for the American outreach efforts, changing the think tank’s name to ITAS KMT. “Under the plan, the name change will be the first step, and helping the KMT re-establish the party office will be the second step,” he said. “But for the second step, it would have to wait for the new chairman to decide [what to do].” 」(South China Morning Post 2020-01-20) Taiwan’s battered KMT ‘needs higher profile in United States’
Opposition party considers reopening office in Washington after heavy electoral losses to DPP
Taiwan’s battered KMT ‘needs higher profile in United States”
Opposition party considers reopening office in Washington after heavy electoral losses to DPP.