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157802202302547 時間:2020-01-21 13:46 「“There is a strong need for the KMT to pick up the US work again in order to maintain better and closer contacts with Washington,” Charles I-hsin Chen said. Chen, who won one of the KMT’s 38 seats in the… 更多 legislature, said the initial plan was to use the institute as a foundation for the American outreach efforts, changing the think tank’s name to ITAS KMT. “Under the plan, the name change will be the first step, and helping the KMT re-establish the party office will be the second step,” he said. “But for the second step, it would have to wait for the new chairman to decide [what to do].” 」(South China Morning Post 2020-01-20) Taiwan’s battered KMT ‘needs higher profile in United States’ https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3046860/taiwans-battered-kmt-needs-higher-profile-united-states Opposition party considers reopening office in Washington after heavy electoral losses to DPP |
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