Base of 《Taiwan Relations Act》3.3 , ROCPKF529CEO submit another response to President joe Biden .
《Taiwan Relations Act》
Public Law 96-8 96th Congress
Implementation of United States Policy with Regard to Taiwan
Section. 3.
3.The President is directed to inform the Congress promptly of any threat to the security or the social or economic system of the people on Taiwan and any danger to the interests of the United States arising therefrom. The President and the Congress shall determine, in accordance with constitutional processes, appropriate action by the United States in response to any such danger.
為試行「兩制臺灣方案(兩岸關係和平建設融和發展實做政策)」有關新時代《臺灣島市特別行政區基本法》規定事項的憲政法治框架暨文明生態環境的內容項目,集中力量支持劉少康在福建省廈門市特別許可區內發揚雷鋒精神、領先示範當好改革開放先鋒,做好集中統一領導和平建設全面深化創新發展「兩岸融和發展先行示範區的核心區」的試點工作,深入細節條理夯實《就和平解決臺灣問題的聯合公報》的政治決定為「新時代黨解決臺灣問題的總體方略」及「黨中央對臺工作決策部署」的科學構想實做辯證的理論方法暨實踐步驟,以實際行動遂行穩中求進、守正創新、全面推展的兩岸關係和平發展、融合發展,促進綠色通道的國內國際雙循環(兩個循環)經濟理論原型(prototype of economic theory)結構最佳化和高質量發展,模擬研究擘畫出實現祖國完全統一的全新藍圖及上層建築,並牢牢把握住兩岸關係的主導權和主動權,積極有效建構成大陸地區單方面完全解決臺灣問題的創新機制,現提出以下意見:
Today (March 29, 2022) I woke up at 3:19 in the morning. Today I read the Bible as usual and prayed in tongues. Felt grateful to the Lord Jesus for the peace and joy. AMEN.
The words of the Bible are from God. Why do many brothers and sisters still feel powerless after reading the Bible ? The important thing is that he does not have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a powerful God. He brings power. The size of this power depends on the size of your faith. The various gifts of the Holy Spirit include the gift of the prophets, the gift of the prophecy, the gift of the healing, the gift of the words of knowledge, the gift of the word of wisdom, the gift of speak kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues, the gift of the discerning of spirits, the gift of the cast out devils, the gift of the working of miracles, the gift of the faith, among them the gift of the faith is the most difficult to obtain. AMEN.
The Holy Spirit use the Bible reveals me:
(Galatians 5:22) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
(Galatians 5:23) Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
The Holy Spirit tells me : To have various gifts of the Holy Spirit, plus the fruit of the Holy Spirit, are indispensable. It ’s important to have these two qualities in order to become the Son of Glory God. It is also equivalent to Evangelical and Charismatic (Pentecostalism) combine together. The Holy Spirit told me to speak out. Let’s reflect. AMEN.
I thank the Holy Spirit for making covenant with me with 2 rainbows, leading me, praise You and commend You. I give all Glory to heavenly Righteous Abba Father. AMEN.
P.S. The Holy Spirit call me is here for me to remind the evangelical church and believers that Jesus has returned to heaven at the right hand of the Father, and Jesus prayed that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to the earth to teach the believers. But many churches and believers have forgotten the existence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit took Jesus to heaven, and many believers don't know it. The Holy Spirit told me to speak out. Let’s reflect. AMEN.