文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
546602088782771 | 2014-05-27 22:35 | 13 | 1 |
分享 緬甸資訊Myanmar Information
我們常笑別人吃米不知米價<br> 吃芭樂不知芭樂有籽<br> 我們吃核桃知道核桃長怎樣嗎?<br> 呵<br> 這應該很多人都不知道<br> 那就讓大家看一下吧<br> 核桃原本是長這樣地 沒看過照片的人<br> 縱使被帶去核桃園也不知道那綠果是什麼吧.....<br> 緬甸的堅果類可是物美價廉喔
546107188832261 | 2014-05-26 20:49 | 5 | 0 | |
546106978832282 | 2014-05-26 20:49 | 5 | 0 |
分享 香港野生雀鳥保育關注組(Hong Kong Wild Bird Conservation Concern Group)
National Geographic編輯對「印尼攝影師擺拍青蛙」相片的回應 (中文翻譯鳴謝:義務翻譯小組組員 Sze) 原文 Source Text:<br> http://yourshot.nationalgeographic.com/photos/1530236/ We heard the concerns voiced by many members of our community and asked… 更多 several National Geographic experts to review this photograph. We have concluded that the frog was placed in this setting for the sole purpose of making a photo, but have no definitive proof that the animal was harmed. We asked for clarification from the photographer but did not receive it. We want to reiterate to our community that the ideal setting for photographing wildlife is in their natural habitat, behaving naturally. National Geographic does not support harming the subject or its… 更多
545575402218773 | 2014-05-25 17:20 | 18 | 2 | 今年暑期的科學繪圖活動上線囉~ 有注意過學友之家窗邊所掛的圖嗎?那些都是每年科學繪圖活動中得獎的作品,今年除了一般初階班的課程,還另外開闢適合高中以上參加的進階班,有興趣的趕快點進連結瞧瞧,5/28開始報名~ |
545532348889745 | 2014-05-25 14:58 | 21 | 3 | [恐懼蟑螂者不宜]灰色蟑螂昨天早上很快速的生出了小寶寶!好在來得及錄影下來,不喜歡蟑螂朋友的請跳過唷~
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536694673106846 | 2014-05-06 15:06 | 7 | 0 | 趙丰老師導讀<天地間.古今事>,孫館長親自主持,兩位NASA回來的星星王子,當日鐵定閃閃發光 http://apply.nmns.edu.tw/public/activity/303/actApply.asp?actId=303 |