Month: 2016-09

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時間:2016-09-14 11:54
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年9月14日上午3:54 · 書畫常設展「造型與美感」精選各年代的多件作品,今天再來看一件宋代的 猿鹿圖。畫作的年代有點久,不過全畫仍然很有故事性,有坐在樹上的母猿和小猿,以及掛在樹梢的公猿,還有抬頭好奇探看的母鹿(另一隻小鹿坐地上),你也看到了嗎?(展覽只到 9/25 請把握時間親臨欣賞喔!)
  The history of Chinese painting can be compared to a symphony. The styles… 更多 and traditions in figure, landscape, and bird-and-flower painting have formed themes that continue to blend to this day into a single piece of music. Painters through the ages have made up this "orchestra," composing and performing many movements and variations within this tradition.
【宋 易元吉 猿鹿圖】
The Art and Aesthetics of Form: Selections from the History of Chinese Painting
【Gibbons and Deer】(Northern Branch)
Yi Yuanji (fl. ca.… 更多