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1000628466657035 時間:2016-06-18 18:44 國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立台灣美術館。2016年6月18日下午6:44 · 台中市 · 【日本浮世繪ー東京富士美術館典藏精選展】 浮世繪最初的發展以「美人畫」及「演員畫」為主軸發展。喜多川歌麿擅長描繪附插畫的狂歌本及美女圖,其半身胸像「大首繪」美女圖出色地透過表情與舉止呈現女性的內心世界。在作品〈庭訓… 更多 老實人〉中,畫中女子似乎心中對神佛有所請求,或是與愛人有所約定,所以在右手手腕綁上細紙捲。庭訓文內為戒律「信仰神佛雖好,但日常瑣事求神問卜不可太過。」文末寫著「神佛之日卯月八日」,典故為在浴佛節時,以供奉釋迦誕生的香湯研墨寫下「四月八日吉日,一舉收拾壞蟲。」再倒貼於地面就能驅蟲之習俗。 An Honest Girl, from the Series "A Parent's Moralising Spectacles" The earliest topics of Ukiyo-e were beautiful women and actors. Ukiyo-e artist Kitagawa Utamaro was specialized in illustrations for Kyoka poem picture books and pictures of beautiful women, his works of the beauty portraits of the upper bust vividly showcasing women’s inner worlds with highlighting of facial features and expressions. In this artwork, “An Honest Girl, from the… 更多 圖片
How many others thinks this should be accorded extra priority ? |
1004051692981379 時間:2016-06-26 18:35 國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年6月26日下午6:35 · 【日本浮世繪ー東京富士美術館典藏精選展】… 更多 歌川豐國擅長美女圖及演員畫像,是日本浮世繪「歌川派」的重要畫師。這件作品描繪的是江戶歌舞伎「曾我物」劇,講述一對兄弟為父復仇。兩個重要角色「天窗與兵衞」和「藤德次郎」,分別由第五代松本幸四郎以及第七代市川團十郎所扮演。幸四郎鼻子高挺、眼神銳利,以凌厲風采而聞名,這件作品也充分捕捉了他的神韻特徵。而第七代市川團十郎在當時的歌舞伎演員當中,達到所謂「無人能出其右」的最高地位,是首屈一指的名演員。 Utagawa Toyokuni was a prominent painter in the Utagawaha school of ukiyo-e who is famous for his pictures of women and portraits of actors. This artwork is a depiction of two important roles in the Edo kabuki play, Sogamono, played by Koshiro Matsumoto the 5th and Danjūrō Ichikawa the 7th. Ichikawa had a very tall nose and sharp eyes, and was known for his majestic energy on stage. This artwork vividly captures his essence and notable features, and Danjūrō Ichikawa the 7th was the highest revered kabuki actor at that time. 歌川豐國 Utagawa Toyokuni 第五代松本性四郎所飾之天窗與兵衛、第七代市川團十郎之信所飾之藤德次郎 The Actor Matsumoto Kōshirō as Mado Yohei and the Actor Danjūrō Ichikawa as Fujitoku Jiro 文化11年 1814 木版多色刷 大判錦絵 Color woodblock print on paper 36.2 x 25 cm x2 #國美館 #浮世繪展 圖片
Ryan Martin will have something to say... . - My Golf buddy's… 更多 sister mentioned something similar earlier _ |