Month: 2020-01

文章 留言
時間:2020-01-15 10:22
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2020年1月15日上午2:22 · 彰化的朋友看過來!
Coming!! National Palace Museum Treasures Tour Changhua — Artifacts and New Media Art Exhibition
這一次彰化縣政府向國立故宮博物院申請「國寶出遊去」計畫,將有精選的 #五件院藏文物,在「故宮國寶遊彰化」時,接續出遊到 #彰化縣立美術館… 更多(不是一次同時),屆時故宮的新媒體藝術展將一同展出
About the Exhibition
🐾Changhua County is a leading county in terms of traditional arts and crafts, with a rich cultural heritage. The county is home to highly representative examples of traditional architecture, such as the Lukang Lungshan Temple and the Lukang Mazu Temple. In terms of industry, Changhua County is renowned across the country for its pig farms, duck farms, and balsam pear production levels,… 更多
@{Christie Lin} @{Vicki Hsu}