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812558015494651 時間:2015-05-05 05:04 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum2015年5月4日 · 宋、金、元時期(960-1367),瓷器作品的釉色多以單色釉為主,但附圖這件「天藍釉紫斑盂」在以天藍釉色為底的外壁中泛出紫色斑紋,十分特別! 常設展特搜-【元 鈞窯 天藍釉紫斑盂】(陳列室:205) Permanent Exhibit: The Magic of Kneaded Clay: A History of Chinese Ceramics 【Bowl with sky-blue glaze and… 更多 purple splashes】(Gallery: 205) Jun ware, Yuan dynasty (13th – 14th centuries) Height: 16.4cm, Rim diameter: 16.9cm, Base diameter: 8.1cm 文物賞析: 斂口、深壁的廣口水盂,下腹略廣碩再銳收為小圈足(如右上小圖)。通體施天青釉,釉表呈佈線狀開片。器外壁則有大片紫斑佈於腹部中下段至足際,純紫色調覆蓋並滲入天青釉中,朦朧暈染,色澤明淨,堪稱鈞窯釉調之絕美者。口緣因釉薄而顯褐黃胎色,圈足的內外足圈露胎,足裡有釉。 This deep-walled water jar with a wide inward mouth has a slightly flaring lower body that constricts to form a small base. It is covered with sky-blue glaze and a linear crackle pattern. The exterior walls of the… 更多 圖片
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