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2566543836784472 時間:2020-04-15 09:25 一直要求普篩的意義是什麼?是懷疑社區中有很多潛在感染者沒有檢查出來而無意間傳染更多人。 這次清明連假大量民眾出遊,目前沒有爆發大量本土感染的情況就是另一個佐證,表示在大家一起努力之下,社區中沒有足以造成大量傳播的潛在感染者。 我贊成衛福部藉此疫情重新檢討許多藥品衛材的審核效率,但是拿普篩來談,根本搞錯命題。 |
https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-testing "No country… 更多 knows the total number of people infected with COVID-19. All we know is the infection status of those who have been tested. All those who have a lab-confirmed infection are counted as confirmed cases.This means that the counts of confirmed cases depend on how much a country actually tests. Without testing there is no data.Testing is our window onto the pandemic and how it is spreading. Without data on who is infected by the virus we have no way of understanding the pandemic. Without this data we can not know which countries are doing well, and which are just underreporting cases and deaths." |