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1687159174665589 時間:2018-04-24 12:00 英國媒體《電訊報》近日刊出「台灣崛起」的專文報導,除了分享台灣的文化體驗,也列出對於英國人來說不知道的10大有趣現象~ 目前台灣-英國航線一周有12班往返,航班頻率及選擇也更多了,歡迎外國朋友一起來探索台灣之美! 超連結 TELEGRAPH.CO.UK
The rise of Taiwan: Why the world is discovering this overlooked corner of AsiaA vast cartoon dog in glowing 3D illuminates the night sky – along with a luminous giraffe, giant purple orchids, a psychedelic horse and chariot, trains, planes, abstract art, a radiant walk-in temple... and more dogs, many more dogs. It is Chinese Year of the Dog and Taiwan is celebrating, as it... |
英國航空也把台灣納入中國。 |