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821979534521930 時間:2015-06-22 18:57 國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片 — 和 Diewox Diewox Diewox 及其他 2 人。2015年6月22日下午6:57 · 【夢我所夢:草間彌生亞洲巡迴展台灣站】 圓點可說是草間彌生的代名詞,也是草間彌生的執念。草間彌生自幼為強迫症所苦;她創作的圓點其實是不停出現在眼中的幻覺。她透過創作把恐懼與幻覺變成熟悉的事物,並把自己融進表現物內,達到「自我消融」的目的。五彩繽紛的圓點覆蓋了整個空間,除了「消融」的哲思外,也讓觀者有頭暈目眩的混亂感。 Polka dots are Kusama’s trademark, also her… 更多 obsessions. She has struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder since childhood, and the polka dots are in fact the hallucinations. Through art creation, she transformed her fear and illusion into familiar objects, and allows self to obliterate in the illusions. The colorful dots covered the object and space, brought views a vertigo-like sense of chaos, and embodies the artist’s philosophical view on “obliteration”. 為摯愛的鬱金香永恆祈禱 With All My Lover for the Tulips, I pray Forever 金屬、玻璃纖維、聚胺脂塗料、貼紙 FRP, urethane paint, stickers 201 x 170 x H295 cm 181 x 170 z H235 cm 210 x 170 x H229.5 cm 2015 圖片
@{Iris Lee} |