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653117448105376 時間:2014-07-09 18:44 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年7月9日上午10:44 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【明 洪武 釉裏紅纏枝牡丹紋碗】(陳列室:205) Permanent Exhibit-【Bowl with peony scrolls decoration in underglaze copper red】(Gallery: 205) Hongwu to Yongle reigns (1368-1424), Ming Ddynasty, (1368-1644) 高Height 10.1… 更多 cm,口徑Rim diameter 20.4 cm,底徑Base diameter 8.8 cm 元末及明初的洪武年間,景德鎮窯開始發展釉下彩的技術,在透明釉下以銅紅為顏料,稱為及釉裏紅。釉裏紅是用含氧化銅的顏料畫好圖案之後,外表罩上透明釉,再入窯高溫燒製而成。胎體厚重的作風,沿續了元代外銷瓷器的特徵。 這件牡丹紋碗的內壁繪有纏枝菊花六朵,底部則一朶盛開,一朶含苞。外壁畫的是纏枝牡丹花六朵,口緣內外均繪兩個一組的回文一道。牡丹邊緣花心均留白,是典型的明朝洪武式樣。胎骨厚而粗鬆,紅花多呈暗紅色,釉面有直線開片紋,圈足內亦施釉。 Jingdezhen kilns from the late Yuan dynasty and into the Hongwu era of the early Ming began to develop the technique of underglaze colors. The copper red was used as a pigment under a transparent glaze to create a variety of patterns and designs in what became known as underglaze red, Underglaze red involves using oxidized copper as a pigment to first paint the pattern, which is then covered with transparent glaze and fired at high temperatures. The thick body of this piece shows the feature of export ware during the Yuan dynasty. 圖片
去看了这次在日本的展出!好多好东西呀!谢谢!下次争取去台北看看^_^ |