Month: 2022-01

文章 留言
時間:2022-01-17 14:00
【創業大冒險】📣國際創業沙龍-食力探東協~精彩花絮Part 3 12/22(三)「國際創業沙龍-食力探東協」直播回顧特輯最後一篇!這次是越南臺商總會名譽總會長aka大發食品公司許玉林董事長分享,精彩回顧一起看過來~ 📍分享者:大發食品公司/許玉林 董事長
3⃣… 更多直接介入操作,且要建立後備團隊。
4⃣找到對的顧問/建議者,起步較輕鬆容易。 👉汲取前輩的經驗會讓人少走一些冤枉路,董事長深耕越南市場多年後看到的趨勢:「越南是年輕人口多、外出就餐多的國家之一,已成為食品飲料行業的巨大潛在市場,不僅吸引了國內投資者,也吸引了外國巨頭。」 無論如何,都別忘了董事長最後的勉勵✨不管情勢如何,餐飲業總是有機會的!✨ 更多詳細內容,請看精采分享影片⭐
#國際創業沙龍 #食力探東協 #精彩花絮 【Startup Adventure】Retrospection of the International Entrepreneurship Salon 📣 📍Topic: International Entrepreneurship Salon- Southeast Asia's (SEA's) Food and Beverage (F&B) Market
📍Speaker: Yu-Lin,Xu Chairman / Đại Phát Food
📍Content: The Difficulties and Solutions of Taiwan's Food and Beverage (F&B) Industry Entering Vietnam
👉 Tell you Dos & Don’ts for entry into the Vietnam market! #InternationalEntrepreneurshipSalon #SEA #FoodandBeverageMarket
Thank you for the insightful sharing!
時間:2022-01-17 16:00
【創業大冒險】2022 A2T Access to Taiwan第一期海外新創團隊落地臺灣專案,即日起開放徵件🙌 海外科技型新創團隊看過來~落地臺灣的機會來囉! 只要你是👇 👇 👇
✅有臺灣製造、研發、軟硬體整合、市場開發的相關目標 我們會提供以下優質資源👍… 更多
✅安排創新展會曝光 歡迎海外科技型新創團隊報名參加! 🕐 報名時間:2022/01/01-2022/02/20
🔍 報名網址: #2022A2T #2022AccesstoTaiwan #科技新創 #落地台灣 #報名徵件 【Startup Adventure】2022 A2T – Access to Taiwan Program Batch 1, Sign Up Now!!! 📌A2T Program is a market access sprint program specifically designed for non-Taiwanese Tech startups to engage with Taiwan startup ecosystem. This program is a great opportunity for overseas startups to access Taiwan’s manufacturing, R&D, traditional high-tech industries as well as our deep tech talent pool. 🙋🏻♀️ Who we are looking for:
✅Non-Taiwanese Tech Startups
✅Asia Market Ready
✅Targeting Taiwan’s Manufacturing, R&D and hardware-software integration expertise 🕐Admission Period: January 1st – February 20th
🔍Register: #2022A2T #2022AccesstoTaiwan #TechStartups #OverseasStartups
Awesome 😎👍