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10152303899497069 時間:2014-03-19 01:00 「被移送時《蘋果》問李嫌為何對人動手,他只說『就喝酒啊』...。」 【醫院施暴理直氣壯 醉男「就喝酒啊」】 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/local/20140318/362430/ |
Citizens of Taiwan are now occupying the Legislative Yuan,… 更多 opposing the injustice passing of Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services (兩岸服務貿易協議). The police is gathering outside the builiding and preparing to clear the protesters. This moment is critical for the future and democracy of Taiwan, we need the world's attention. Please share the news to everyone you know, and translate it to other languages. God bless Taiwan. |