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10160082044133524 時間:2022-04-04 10:51 「你長大想當什麼?」 「我想當小孩!☺️」 今天是兒童節,除了所有小孩一定要好好地玩耍一番😆 希望所有童心未泯的大朋友在這一天回到最純真的自己, 過一個快樂兒童節! 兒童節萬歲🙌🙌🙌 |
聖靈 帶領我 彈 聖歌 讚美 神。 AMEN。 The Holy Spirit led me to play hymns to praise God. AMEN. https://www.facebook.com/www.spry.com.tw/videos/10217923718757877/ https://www.facebook.com/www.spry.com.tw/videos/10217930723812999/ |
今天(2022年 4月6日) 我早上 3:00 醒來。 今天我 照常 讀經 禱告 說方言, 衷心 感謝 主耶穌 賜 平安 喜樂。 AMEN。 聖靈 讓我 受感說話。 今天早上 有一位 士林靈糧堂的姊妹, 傳了 士林靈糧堂 崇拜網址 給我, 我上網 看了一下, 聖靈 感動我 看YouTube 劉彤牧師 的 講道, 我從頭 看到結束。 我 屬靈 的 經歷,跟他卻 非常的 相似, 我只是一位 卑微的弟兄, 甚至 聖靈 給我的 恩賜 是他沒有的, 讓我 心中 相當的 震撼。 聖靈 感動我 說出 以前的 見證 如下: 我記得在 2019年4月4日, 我早上 10:45 要到機場接 印度牧師, 我 祈禱 主耶穌 賜我 平安喜樂。 早上 10:00 我開車經過 建國南北路 高架橋, 警察 交通管制, 限制要三人以上 才能上 高速公路, 奇妙的 事情 發生了, 我獨自 一個人 在開車, 車上沒有 其他的人, 我 順利的 通過檢查。 這個 見證 與 外國的一位牧師 見證 相似。 聖靈 奇妙的作工 叫我 分享出來。 AMEN。 台灣 基督教 聯盟, 請了一位 外國牧師, 在林口體育館 演講 3天, 有上萬人 來參加。 第 4天這位牧師 到 台北靈糧堂 山莊 來演講, 我很慶幸 能參加, 這位牧師 講了一個 見證, 他以前剛信 基督教時, 那時候他 還不是牧師, 他對 神的醫治 很好奇, 聖經上說 相信 神 就得醫治, 他想 試一試, 有一天他到附近的 軍醫醫院, 門口有 兩位 警衛 向他要證件, 他什麼都沒有 被趕了出來, 他到了牆角 禱告 神 祈求 神 讓他進去, 當他第二次 從這兩位警衛中間 進去, 這兩位警衛 似乎 沒看到他, 讓他進到了 醫院。 這個 現象 就像跟我的 見證 一樣。 聖靈 叫我 分享出來。 AMEN。 Today (April 6, 2022) I woke up at 3:00 in the morning. Today I read the Bible as usual and prayed in tongues. Felt grateful to the Lord Jesus for the peace and joy. AMEN. The Holy Spirit moved me feel to speak these words. This morning, a sister from Bread of Life Christian Church in Shilin, she passed me the website of the worship of the Bread of Life Christian Church in Shilin. I watched it online. The Holy Spirit inspired me to watch the preaching of YouTuber Pastor Liu Tong, I saw the end from the beginning. My spiritual experience was very similar to his. I was just a humble brother, and even the gift that the Holy Spirit gave me was something he did not have, which shocked me. The wonderful work of the Holy Spirit asked me to share my previous testimony as follows : I remember that on April 4th, 2019, I was going to pick up an Indian pastor at the airport at 10:45 in the morning, and I prayed that the Lord Jesus would give me peace and joy. At 10:00 in the morning, I drove through the Jianguo North-South Road Viaduct. The police traffic control restricted the access to the expressway to more than three people. A wonderful thing happened. I was driving alone, and there was no other person in the car. I passed the inspection smoothly. This testimony is similar to that of a foreign pastor. The wonderful work of the Holy Spirit asked me to share out it. AMEN. The Taiwan Christ Alliance invited a foreign pastor to give a speech at the Linkou Stadium for three days, there are tens of thousands of people to attend, on the 4th day, the pastor came to the BREAD OF LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN TAIPEI Mountain Villa to give a speech. I am very fortunate to be able to participate. The pastor told a testimony. When he had just believed in Christianity, he was not a pastor at that time. He was very curious about God’s healing. The Bible says that believing in God will heal, he wants to give it a try. One day he went to a nearby military hospital. There are two guards at the door asking him for documents. He had not been driven out. He went to the corner to pray to God, and prayed God let him in. When he entered for the second time, the two guards did not seem to see him and let him go to the hospital. This phenomenon is like my testimony. The Holy Spirit told me to share out it. AMEN. |
10160084051473524 時間:2022-04-05 16:45 ▍國有土地是全民及後代子孫的資產!政府不該賤賣國有地帶動炒房! 清明節邊吃潤餅也要繼續關心居住正義~ 🔺難道政府口中的居住正義,就是把國有地和建商合作蓋豪宅售出嗎?國有地是全民及後代子孫的資產,行政院卻讓住都中心大舉受贈或用公告現值購買國有土地,以公辦都更方式變相出售精華區大面積國有土地!政府這麼做,根本是帶頭炒房!讓買不起房的年輕人情何以堪?請政府不要瓦解居住正義防線! ‼️住都中心規劃不要只會畫大餅‼️… 更多 又根據住都中心財務規劃,是以中期20年、長期50年達到損益平衡,但總統、院長的任期都只剩2年,20年後是怎樣大家都不知道,還規劃50年?這樣的財務規劃豈不是畫大餅?而且因為如此,匡列了25塊大面積國有地要公辦都更籌措財源,其中大部分原屬國防部位置在精華區,雖然不是全部售出,但這樣怎不啟人疑竇?而且土地是未來子孫的資產,任期只剩2年的蔡政府把這麼多國有地贈給或打折售給行政法人住都中心,沒有世代正義和正當性的問題嗎? 📌奕華要求行政院,政府為打炒房所開徵的房地合一稅和炒房罰金,大多數的所得收益應挹注社宅基金,這才是落實居住正義的做法! 影片
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今天(2022年 4月8日) 我早上 0:02 醒來。 今天我 照常 讀經 禱告 說方言, 衷心 感謝 主耶穌 賜 平安 喜樂。 AMEN。 我在2020年4月8日 Facebook 見証 的 分享如下 : TO : 各位 弟兄 姊妹 RE: 異象 分享 FROM : 林肯 弟兄 聖靈 讓我 受感說話。 聖靈 讓我看到 “異象”。 今天早上我在 謝飯 禱告 的 時候, 我 閉著眼睛 看到 街上兩旁 樹木 中間, 中間 有一顆樹 開滿了 粉紅色 的 花朵。 聖靈 告訴我, 我今天早上傳播的 福音 見證: 人們在街上 祈禱 耶穌 醫治他們的土地。 聖靈 充滿著我, 讓我 流下淚來。 聖靈 告訴我: 我們在 天上的 父神 已經 聽到了。 AMEN。 P.S.1. 昨天 台灣的 新聞報導, 台灣 新冠肺炎 昨日新增 382例。 蔓延 全台 17縣市。 我在 2022年 4月4日 見證中 曾經寫出 : 聖靈 告訴我, 疫苗 並非是 萬靈丹, 有些人 施打了3劑疫苗, 最後 還是會 被感染。 在 非洲 人口眾多, 政府貧窮 施打疫苗的人 最少, 受感染的人 卻最少, 因為 神 眷顧他們。 在我 心中的 感受, 疫情 還是會 捲土重來。 這也是 台灣的 浩劫 。 聖靈 叫我說出。 請大家省思。 AMEN。 P.S.2. 我呼籲 台灣 總統 蔡英文, 移除 同性戀 法案, 這是 聖經 的 真理。 免得 老百姓 受到 神 的 懲罰。 AMEN。 P.S.3. 我發現到 印度神童 阿南德, 有些的 預測 跟我雷同。 他也是希望 人類用 修德、 修行 來化解 災難。 大家應該還記得 兩年前 疫情 來襲時, 義大利的民眾 在街道 兩旁 跪地禱告, 大家 唱的那首 聖歌 是多麼的感人, 我今天”異象” 的 見證。 聖靈 以此 為證。 台灣這場 疫情的浩劫 必將來到。 聖靈 叫我說出。 請大家省思。 AMEN。 Today (April 8, 2022) I woke up at 0:02 in the morning. Today I read the Bible as usual and prayed in tongues. Felt grateful to the Lord Jesus for the peace and joy. AMEN. My share on Facebook testimony on April 8, 2020 is as follows : TO : Dear. Brothers and Sisters RE : Visions sharing FROM : Brother Lincoln The Holy Spirit moved me feel to speak these words. The Holy Spirit showed me a Visions. When I was thanks God for eat meals and prayers this morning, I closed my eyes and saw the middle of the trees on both sides of the street, and a tree full of pink flowers in the middle. The Holy Spirit told me the testimony of the gospel I spread this morning: People Pray on Streets for Jesus to Heal Their Land. The Holy Spirit filled me and make me shed tears. The Holy Spirit tell me : Our Father in heaven has heard it. AMEN. P.S.1. Yesterday's news from Taiwan reported that there were 382 new cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan yesterday. Spread across 17 counties and cities in Taiwan. In my testimony on April 4, 2022, I said : The Holy Spirit told me that vaccines are not a panacea and that some people get 3 doses of the vaccine and they still get infected. In Africa, where the population is large, the government is poor and vaccinates the fewest people, but the infected people are the fewest, because God cares for them. The feeling in my heart is that the epidemic will come back. This is also a catastrophe for Taiwan. The Holy Spirit told me to speak out. Let’s reflect. AMEN. P.S.2. I call on Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen to remove the gay bill, this is a biblical truth. lest the people be punished by God. AMEN. P.S.3. I found out about the Indian prodigy Anand, and some of the predictions are the same as mine. He also hopes that human beings can use virtue and practice to resolve disasters. You all should still remember that when the epidemic hit two years ago, the Italians knelt down and prayed on both sides of the street. The hymn that everyone sang was very touching, and my testimony of today's " Visions". The Holy Spirit bears witness to this. The catastrophe of this epidemic in Taiwan is bound to come. The Holy Spirit told me to speak out. Let’s reflect. AMEN. |
今天(2022年 4月7日) 我早上 1:09 醒來。 今天我 照常 讀經 禱告 說方言, 衷心 感謝 主耶穌 賜 平安 喜樂。 AMEN。 我看到 Facebook上的 動態回顧, 我記得在 6年前 我帶 台灣大學 印度朋友去 球場比賽, 我在車上 跟他們說了 2 次 預言, 說他們 這 2天打球比賽 都會贏, 結果他們得了 冠軍, 我抱著 冠軍奬杯 與他們合照, 這個 見證 我也曾經 發表過, 榮耀 歸給 公義的 天父。 AMEN。 聖靈 啟示我 聖經: (彼得後書 1:21) 因為預言從來沒有出於人意的,乃是人被聖靈感動,說出 神的話來。 (羅馬書 12:6) 按我們所得的恩賜,各有不同。或說預言,就當照著信心的程度說預言; 聖靈 啟示 我。 因為 預言 從來沒有出於 人意的, 乃是人被 聖靈 感動,說出 神 的話來。 事後 還要 驗證 作為 對錯 的 憑據。 聖靈 透過 異象、異夢 、 心思意念 讓我說出 3次地震 及 多次的 預言, 事後 也經過 驗證 正確。 聖靈 還讓我 同時 受了 水洗 和 聖靈的洗, 像 耶穌一樣, 這是 別人沒有的 恩典, 讓我成為 神 揀選的 器皿。 聖靈與我同工, 是 榮耀 神 的。 AMEN。 P.S. 昨天的 見証 我說 多次與 印度朋友 的外出, 聖靈 讓我 對他們 講出的 預言, 事後證實 正確, 都讓他們 驚訝! 這個 見證 也是算是 其中的 一個。 聖靈和我同工,用 神蹟 隨著,證實所傳的 道。 來 榮耀 神。 聖靈 叫我分享出來。 阿們! AMEN。 Today (April 7, 2022) I woke up at 1:09 in the morning. Today I read the Bible as usual and prayed in tongues. Felt grateful to the Lord Jesus for the peace and joy. AMEN. I saw the dynamic review on Facebook. I remember that 6 years ago I took the Indian friends of National Taiwan University to the stadium to game ball, I told them 2 predictions in the car. I said that they will win these two days of playing, as result, they won the championship, I hug the champion trophy and take a photo with them, I have also published this testimony. Glory to the righteous Heavenly Father. AMEN. The Holy Spirit Reveals My Bible: (2 Peter 1:21) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (Romans 12:6) Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; The Holy Spirit inspired me. For prophecy never came from the will of man, but man was moved by the Holy Spirit to speak the word of God. It must be verified as proof of right or wrong afterwards. The Holy Spirit made me say 3 times earthquakes prophecy and many times prophecy through Visions, Dream dreams, and the imagination of the thoughts of the heart. It was verified to be correct afterwards. The Holy Spirit also make me to be baptized with water and the Holy Spirit at the same time. Like Jesus, this is the Grace that other people no one else has, making me a vessel chosen by God. The Holy Spirit works with me to Glorify God. AMEN. P.S. Yesterday’s testimony I said that I went out with Indian friends many times, and the Holy Spirit let me speak to them prophecy, which was later confirmed to be correct, which surprised them ! This testimony is one of them. The Holy Spirit working with me, and confirming the word with signs following. Come to Glorify God. The Holy Spirit asked me to share out it. AMEN ! |
今天(2022年 4月8日) 續集 : 我早上 0:02 醒來。 寫完 “異象” 見證 後, 我 讀經 禱告 說方言後, 就再繼續 睡覺了。 在早上5:30 我被 夢 驚醒, 夢境中 我站在 陽台, 看到對面 有一棟白色 很鮮豔漂亮 的 平房。 我閉著眼睛 居然看到 跟剛才 看到一樣, 一棟白色 很鮮豔 漂亮的 平房。 而且 讓我看的 非常清楚。 讓我 非常的 驚訝 ! 聖靈 讓我 做這個 “異夢” , 是代表 什麼意思 呢 ? 聖靈 沒有告訴我, 只叫我 日後 體會。 我分享出來。 AMEN。 P.S. 我感謝 聖靈 賜給我 “異夢” 及 “異象” 的 恩典。 聖靈與我同工,用 神蹟隨著,證實所傳的 道。 來榮耀 神。阿們! Today (April 8, 2022) the sequel : I wake up at 0:02 in the morning. After writing the "Visions" testimony, I read the Bible as usual and prayed in tongues, and went back to sleep. At 5:30 in the morning, I was awakened by a dream. In the dream, I was standing on the balcony and saw a bright and beautiful white bungalow on the opposite side. I closed my eyes and saw the same bright white bungalow as I just saw. And let me see it very clearly. I am very surprised ! What does it mean when the Holy Spirit made me have this "Dream dreams" ? The Holy Spirit didn't tell me, just let me experience it later. I share out it. AMEN. P.S. I thank the Holy Spirit for the Grace of "Dream dreams" and "Visions", the Holy Spirit working with me, and confirming the word with signs following. Come to Glorify God. Amen ! |