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10155264736402973 時間:2017-05-10 10:04 106.05.10「蔡英文執政一週年「失」政成績單 民意調查發佈」記者會 #國家政策研究基金會 #孫立群 影片
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As a nation or Regional Countries Union, we should understand… 更多 the far Western problem. They are making use of religion into politic as Religion Nationalism and war against each other. That is why we had World War One and Two. The great thing of Jesus is after a person purified from sin and found the narrow path to Heaven. The Holy Sprit is our self conscious, humanity, mankind and love. The great thing of Prophet Muhammad SAW is after a person purified from sin and found a small hole direction to Kaaba. The Secret Heart of Eye is our Wahyu, self conscious, humanity, mankind and Haji performance. Dr Sun Yat Sen want Chinese to live in Great Unity World whereby Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist and Confucius can live in Harmony by combine culture of Western and Eastern by the guideline of Confucius harmony philosophy. |