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741104432640010 時間:2014-12-22 12:35 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月22日上午4:35 · 今天冬至,也是農曆十一月初一,附上農曆十一月的月令圖和大家分享~ 【清 畫院 畫十二月月令圖 (農曆十一月(局部)】 Summer Special-【Activities of the 12 Months: The 11th Month (The Eleventh Lunar Month) (part)】 Court artists, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), 175 x 97 cm… 更多 畫作賞析: 十一月,逐漸進入了嚴寒,植物中祇有蒼松翠柏,依然茂盛。水榭當中,畫一位年輕的父親在鞭責幼子,諸人在一旁勸護。隔庭有一所靜室,一位老者修行好佛,在禪榻合掌向人答禮。後園婦女兒童,作蹴踘和捉迷藏的遊戲,也許是比較劇烈的活動,能幫人取暖吧。對岸霜林之中,有一群人穿綵衣,籠野獸,結隊而行,好像是賣解馬戲之類的從業者,趕集市似的。 The winter cold becomes steadily more severe; the reivers are covered with first ice and the mountain passes are desolate; only the evergreen trees keep their colour. In a pavilion by the water a tutor prepares to thrash a lazy young student while others intervene on one side or the other. In the next hall sits an old man sunk in zenmeditation; his hands pressed together, he quietly answers a man who has come to pay his respects. In a courtyard behind this women and children play football and hide-and-seek. On the opposite shore a gaily dressed procession wends through the frosty woods. With their animals and birds they appear to be a circus on the move. 圖片
這建築屋頂型式很特殊。 |