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1599507683472410 時間:2018-02-03 16:24 #船期預報 歌斯達新浪漫號原訂2/4(日)08:00-18:00到港掛靠作業 因海象惡劣及安全考量 今天取消靠泊花蓮,預計於2/3(六)17:30改靠基隆東3碼頭(本次由花蓮移民局從那霸登輪執行前站查驗) 擬18:30下旅客,開船時間2/4(日)17:00 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/COSTA-NEOROMANTICA-IMO-8821046-MMSI-247817000 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
Costa neoRomantica IMO 8821046 - see vessel detailsCosta neoRomantica - Passenger (Cruise) Ship Costa neoRomantica - IMO 8821046 - Details and current position Vessels Passenger & Cruise ships Costa neoRomantica SHIP RATINGstars 5stars 43 stars4 stars1 star4 out of 5 stars / 57 votes Add to My Fleet Costa neoRomantica Upload photo What is the ship... |
外國人可能期待去太魯閣好耐了 原來花蓮海域是好易有大風浪 |