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1831173096966466 時間:2018-08-14 19:28 大家一起來練習 #八段錦 吧! 【清 無款 八段錦(冊)】 【Illustrated Album of the Eight Pieces of Brocade】 和太極拳一樣,八段錦也是廣為流傳的健身法。八段錦由八種功法集錦組成,內容包括肢體運動和氣息調理,姿勢分站、坐兩種,站式要求雙腳與肩同寬,坐式要求盤膝正坐,配合舌抵上顎、意守丹田等細節,每種動作反覆多次。 Eight Pieces of Brocade"… 更多 and Tai chi are widespread forms of exercise for the Chinese. Eight Pieces of Brocade" is named after eight exercises that are "woven" together into a single "brocade." The contents include physical exercises as well as breathing regimens. Positions taken include both standing and seated. The former requires the feet to be planted at the same width as the shoulders, while the latter calls for knees placed squarely together. Combined with such details as keeping the tongue in contact with the palate and concentrating on the "dantian," each movement is done repeatedly. 八段錦と太極拳は中国民間に広く伝わる健身法(健康増進を目的とする運動)である。 8種の功法の組み合わせからなる八段錦には、身体運動のほかに呼吸法もあり、起立または着座して行う。立ったまま行う動作は両足を肩幅に開き、着座して行う動作はあぐらをかくようにして床に座る。「舌抵上顎」(舌先を上顎につけること)や「意守丹田」(へその下にある丹田に意識を集中させること)などにも気を配りつつ、各動作を何度も繰り返して行う。 影片
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