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3340024152692468 時間:2020-04-22 09:32 就是現在!! 科技部長陳良基,以及今年在美國醫學會雜誌(JAMA)上大讚台灣防疫經驗,引起各國廣大的迴響與討論的史丹佛大學副教授王智弘(Prof. C. Jason Wang) 將和大家在線上相會!🙌 Dr. Liang-Gee Chen (Minister of Science and Technology of Taiwan) and Professor C. Jason Wang (Director of… 更多 the Center for Policy, Outcomes, and Prevention, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Stanford University) will be sharing their thoughts on🔎: 🎯 What did Taiwan do right to prevent an outbreak? 🎯 How can Taiwan help? 🎯 How can Taiwan utilize its strength in 🤖technology and 💡innovation to create new solutions to the crisis? Empowering Global Tech Startups at Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) Visit us: www.taiwanarena.tech #TTA_FeaturedEvent Techstars 科技部 #TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping #startups #entrepreneurship #TaiwanTechArena #TTA台灣科技新創基地 #TTA 陳良基的創新筆記 影片
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