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872709846152201 時間:2015-08-08 22:19 #郵輪新聞 好想要一本來好好了解! 分享 香港郵輪俱樂部 Hong Kong Cruise Society
皇家加勒比的新船,即將成為全球最大郵輪的海洋和諧號已推出宣傳冊,還有不足一年就投入服務了,明年6月至10月將以西班牙巴塞隆拿為母港。這艘比姊妹船海洋綠洲號及海洋魅麗號擁有更多創新設施的重量級新船,誰有興趣去乘搭? Royal Caribbean International just releases the latest brochure of their new vessel Harmony of the… 更多 Seas! As a slightly larger sister than Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas, she will become the largest cruise ship in the world in the coming May, and will be homeported in Barcelona, Spain for the maiden summer season. With so many new and exciting features, do you have any plans to sail on her? #royalcaribbean #皇家加勒比國際遊輪 #Harmonyoftheseas #海洋和諧號
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