文章 | 留言 |
10159406264327479 時間:2022-03-12 11:40 連小混混這個詞都出來,感覺蘇揆砲火不斷呀 #蘇貞昌 #蔣萬安 #蔣家 |
一個小混混,但是一個台奸,祖上勾結日本屠殺台灣人,高山族 |
10159409989232479 時間:2022-03-14 19:20 76萬YouTuber飛烏克蘭當傭兵 6天後驚傳戰死76萬YouTuber飛烏克蘭當傭兵 6天後驚傳戰死 |
Good news |
10159411558252479 時間:2022-03-15 11:45 在國家大門偷東西,也是很大膽! (#小馬編) #桃機 #電纜 #停電 #第二航廈 |
The Green are good at producing fake news. |
Elegant Taiwan frogs. | |
10159413106187479 時間:2022-03-16 10:00 理工男年薪70萬徵女友 10大條件曝光被酸爆理工男年薪70萬徵女友 10大條件曝光被酸爆 |
@{George Lew|GeorgeLew} yup. I got 15k rmb when I joined the first job in 2016. I also got an offer with 20k rmb per month at the same time. But I rejected it because I think the company was not progressive in the market. |
70w NT is nearly 17w RMB. So poor😂 |