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10157948085181065 時間:2022-03-01 10:34 Taiwan can help! 這幾天,烏克蘭人民為了自己的國家、為了民主自由,團結奮力抵抗侵略,世界各國也持續透過各種方式,給予烏克蘭人民支持。 台灣作為全球民主夥伴的一員,也已經加入人道援助行動。 就在昨晚,台灣對於烏克蘭的人道援贈的醫療物資已經啟運,我們希望盡一份力,以具體實際行動,協助烏克蘭、支持烏克蘭。 民主自由是我們共同珍視的價值,我們要與世界民主國家團結努力,來堅守得來不易的民主自由。 #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression |
@{黃郁芬 台北市議員|MeredithHuang.TW} Hello Dear I'm really impressed about your profile and personalities. I also admire your good sense of humor on here. I don't normally write in the comment section, but I think you deserve this complement. I would love to send you a request but It wouldn't go through, Hope you don't mind sending me a friend request ... |
10157949536711065 時間:2022-03-02 08:33 大家早安!稍後十點,我將在總統府內,接見美國總統拜登指派之跨黨派資深代表團。歡迎大家一起加入直播! |
@{洪進義|100016036369174} Hello Dear I'm really impressed about your profile and personalities. I also admire your good sense of humor on here. I don't normally write in the comment section, but I think you deserve this complement. I would love to send you a request but It wouldn't go through, Hope you don't mind sending me a friend request ... |