Month: 2020-11

文章 留言
時間:2020-11-12 08:59
鍇霖疑雲追追追 環團發現新事證(玻璃砂為何變成玻璃纖維樹脂粉?) 1.現場XRF快檢 鍇霖 公司太空包內物質的重金屬情況
2.請工業局和環保署說明 玻璃砂 玻璃纖維樹脂粉 之異同與管理方式
3.鍇霖公司身兼土資場和再利用機構 ,可貯存有害事業廢棄物? 延伸閱讀 : 看守台灣
Fights Till The End?Freedom Counts On 23Millions Citizens Not… 更多 One Gangs Logics?Nation's Saked Not Party's
Favored To Digging Gold s Raced Suck's?Violated Law's By Gangs Ruled Why Call That As Gov't?They Not Deserved For Qualifies Status?Stopping Dramatic's If No Justice's Based Only Wasting Time's