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2998079103614568 時間:2020-06-24 12:00 剛來小編家裡照顧阿嬤的阿蒂常說「馬咖細」🤔 🔍小編好奇上網查了才知道原來印尼文「makasih」是感謝的意思~ 😊現在阿嬤常對阿蒂說「馬咖細」,阿蒂聽到都會很開心,把阿嬤照顧得很好! 跟大家分享可以快速學習移工語言的小短片,拉近與移工的距離🤝 📣另有臺語、客家語版本,歡迎分享給家裡的長輩一起學習! ▶️臺語版(Taiwanese):👉… 更多https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOB2DTOkx6s ▶️客語版(Hakka):👉https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctJ7UT367Pw A foreign worker named Artie(阿蒂), who just came to the writer’s home to take care of the writer’s grandmother, usually said 「makasih」. The writer was curious to check on the internet, and understood that 「makasih」 means “thanks” in Indonesian. Now the writer’s grandmother often says 「makasih」 to Artie. Artie would be very happy when she heard that, and took care of the grandmother very well ! Share with you a short video that you can quickly learn the language of foreign workers, to bring you closer to foreign workers. There are also languages versions of Taiwanese and Hakka, welcome to share with the elders at home to learn together! 影片
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