Month: 2022-03

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時間:2022-03-08 15:28
俄烏衝突持續延燒,投資人也搶著上車阿~ #ETF #股票 #債券

搶戰爭財!大宗商品ETF上週淨流入逾45億美元罕見超過股、債ETF - 自由財經

時間:2022-03-08 20:11
【金馬影后拍戲不怕累 陳淑芳笑喊:我不是阿姨,我是妹妹!】
時間:2022-03-09 19:57
#中國 #俄羅斯 #烏克蘭

見風向不對跳船?中國突宣布提供烏克蘭2250萬元人道物資 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

時間:2022-03-16 09:23
一天內就抓到這麼多人,不得不佩服烏克蘭的國安單位! #烏克蘭 #俄羅斯

烏克蘭一天抓到60個內奸、20名特工 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

The world situation is ever-changing, but it can never be separated from a few problems. The CCP cannot do without Russia. It would rather lose the national treasury to reduce the population and curry favor with him, because even after another 30 years, China will not be an opponent to counter the United States. Moreover, in China Around the world and around the world, China does not have a real friend. And Russia cannot lose the support of the CCP. He can neither let China die, nor let China live well and become stronger. Therefore, Russia, whether in weapons and equipment, oil, and food, ties China's development. Blackmail, limited sentences and treaties came into being. Therefore, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the largest arsenal of the Soviet Union became the largest reserve arsenal in China. Because of the military success of the United States, Britain and other major powers and NATO, these weapons are slightly inferior to modern armaments. It's simply not eye-catching, so there is the CCP in Asia, a country that prints money and can afford it, buying everything from aircraft carriers, landing craft, modern fighter jets, missiles, and even aerospace technology back to China, including production lines, workshop equipment, and production backbones. And scientists, even a rose nail and bearing, Ukraine, which was once impoverished after the war, has become a rare rich country in Asia. In just 30 years, China has caught up with the great powers of the United States and the United Kingdom, which have developed a modern armament through 300 years of hard work.
This is incredible. China, which relies on the CCP virus to destroy the world, and China, which relies on modern armaments and global espionage infiltration, not only wants to dominate Europe and the United States, but also does not take Russia as a bad old man. Russia, which has long destroyed China's heart, thought that it would fatten China before eating it. Now, the first one is to destroy Ukraine, the largest arsenal of the CCP. Therefore, Russia only uses its surplus troops and equipment to fight Ukraine. , the main force and main equipment are reserved to fight China. Because he just needs to smash the country and not occupy it, because America doesn't allow it.
The Russian-Ukrainian war also fully conforms to the interests of the NATO member states headed by the United States. Therefore, they did not use troops or weapons, and only stayed in diplomatic verbal protests, stirring up the continuation of the war and inciting the Ukrainians to resist to the end. And seize the opportunity to buy the missiles to Ukraine. These equipments that were once sold to China at a bad price are now being bought back at sky-high prices. At the end of the war, Ukraine became a poor country and a village of widows.
China has suffered a dumb loss in this war. It has been beaten by Russia for a lot of money, and it does not dare to cross Taiwan's thunder, because once the Taiwan Strait begins, Europe and the United States will not only station troops in Taiwan, but also go deep from the coast to the CCP. Advance, while Russia is advancing from the northeast of China to the south, at least to the north of the Yangtze River. When the ignorant sneer at the Ukrainian and Russian troops and their equipment is too parallel, they will never know that the main force and main equipment of the Russian army are preparing to annex China. , and in China's 5,000-year history, this government was the most incompetent and corrupt officials of the Manchu Dynasty. The south of China occupied by Europe and the United States quickly declared independence and established a democratically elected government. From then on, China was divided, and the North and South were confronted with the same pattern as North Korea. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet. declared independence. A new world pattern is formed again. And Xi Jinping has become the only historical sinner who divided China in 5,000 years of history