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10158158765957539 時間:2021-07-31 10:55 #民主疫苗 #立陶宛的扶持 好快!今天一早,來自歐洲波羅的海邊,立陶宛的2萬劑疫苗飛抵台灣了! 遠方盛情的守護,帶給台灣人滿滿的感動。立陶宛人口僅有台灣8分之1,卻不怕中共威脅,贈台疫苗的膽識比肩美國、日本。 「愛好自由的朋友應該互相扶持。」立陶宛跟台、美、日同屬民主陣營國家,其贈台的疫苗就是名符其實的「民主疫苗」! 在此吟唱本人所作之拙詩一首,與大家分享,敬請指教。… 更多 〈立陶宛贈我疫苗有感〉游錫堃2021.6.27. 地在歐洲波海邊, 古來兩國少因緣。 邦民只我八之一, 膽識堪齊美日肩。 20k vaccine doses timely arrived in Taiwan this morning! They were delivered from the shore of the Baltic Sea in Europe. This kindness and endorsement from afar deeply moved Taiwan’s people. Lithuania has only one-eighth of Taiwan’s population, and yet dare to defy China, and made a brave move to donate vaccines to Taiwan just as the US and Japan did previously. “Freedom-loving people should look out for each other”… 更多 影片
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好厲害的水牛伯👍🏻 感謝立陶宛🇱🇹 |