Month: 2021-04

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時間:2021-04-07 11:46
#衛福編編報報 #一起感謝所有第一線防疫人員 🤓 2021 年 4/7 #世界衛生日 主題是「建構一個更公平、更健康的世界(Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone)」,確保每個人都能擁有 #健康權,將健康服務輸送給所有需要的人們,落實聯合國「絕不會遺漏任何一個人」(leave no one behind)的承諾。
🤓 2021… 更多 年也是健康照護工作者年,感謝第一線夥伴面對 COVID-19 疫情的奉獻。臺灣作為全球的一份子,我們願分享經驗,期使各界了解臺灣的公衛實力,Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping!
#WorldHealthDay is on the 7th of April. The theme for 2021 is “Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone.”Ensuring that everyone has the #RightToHealth, Taiwan is making health services accessible to all the people in need and urging to leave no one behind in support of UN foundational principle.
2021 is the Year of Health and Care Workers. We thank our frontline healthcare workers for their unwavering dedication in the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic. As a member of the global community, we would like to share Taiwan’s successful experience in combating COVID-19 with the world. #TaiwanCanHelp, and #TaiwanIsHelping!