Month: 2022-02

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時間:2022-02-18 19:19
媽媽,加油💪 明天一早,我的母親就要面對人生最大的挑戰,一場7小時以上的手術。她很勇敢與堅強,就像從小隻身帶大我一樣,加上不住的禱告,她堅信上帝會憐憫看顧。 媽媽,加油,我會在開刀房外陪妳,為妳祈禱、集氣加油,陪妳一起戰勝挑戰,痊癒、平安。 #感謝大家的祝福手術順利完成了
Lord Jesus, I need You,thank You for dying on the cross for my sins,I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord,thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life,take control of the throne of my life,make me the kind of person You want me to be,in Jesus name i pray,Amen

Oprah Winfrey interview Joel Osteen

Daily motivational videos

These videos had helped me alot,they can helping you too

We have to take communion such as wine and biscuit as much as possible,like everyday,so that Heavenly Father can bless us,if anyone sick or got finance problems,or else ask them take communion everyday

Dear Jesus Christ of Nazareth,please bless your health and wealth, in Jesus name we pray, Amen