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10166007666595062 時間:2022-03-18 20:32 為了降低鳥獸外物碰觸配電設備 台電近年持續改善 像是將空中線路包覆絕緣 裝備也更換絕緣設備或進行包覆 加裝驅鳥器、防鼠網等 在2020、2021年的動物誤觸事故件數明顯減少 事故停電次數大幅減少六成 當有停電事故發生時 台電工程同仁都會第一時間前往搶修… 更多 讓大家儘快有電用 也請大家能多包涵與體諒🙏 台電也會持續強韌配電系統 提升整體供電品質 一起來聽看看陳處長怎麼說👉 影片
綠營的標準答案,"都是馬英九的錯" |
The green governance is the proof of water cutoff, flooding, stopping power, power outage, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, adenocarcinoma and stratum subsidence. | |
10158854243045933 時間:2022-03-23 20:40 老百姓們想問問吉仲主委,蛋荒到底什麼時候能夠解決?! #雞蛋 #鴨蛋 #陳吉仲 |
The green governance is the proof of water cutoff, flooding, stopping power, power outage, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, lung adenocarcinoma and stratum subsidence. |
10162077273371030 時間:2022-03-24 12:28 午安,今天也停電了😊 |
The green governance is the proof of water cutoff, flooding, stopping power, power outage, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, adenocarcinoma and stratum subsidence. |