Month: 2020-08

文章 留言
時間:2020-08-25 14:22
【「版印潮」有什麼潮作品?第四擊:吳昊,〈後街〉,1976。】… 更多 吳昊(1931~2019)原名吳世祿,生於南京市,1949年隨親戚來台,歷經戰火摧殘與生活艱難的吳昊,在創作上反而更貼近常民生活而耐人深味。七〇年代初臺灣遭逢一連串外交失利應運而生的鄉土運動時潮中,許多版畫家不約而同向民俗與在地生活尋求靈感。〈後街〉是吳昊1973年遷居南機場空軍眷村後所作,低矮密集、層層疊疊的木造房屋與灰白屋瓦中依稀可見各式店家廣告招牌、電線桿、曬衣桿、鳥籠、盆栽、竹籠相互交雜,呈現違章建築這種臺灣特有住商混合的城市景象,同時亦記錄了臺灣社會變遷過程中的尋常現實。
During the early years of the 1970s, a series of diplomatic setbacks gave rise to the Nativist Movement. Many printmakers started to search for inspirations from folklore and local culture. WU Hao (1931-2019) arrived in Taiwan in 1949 and endured the cruelties of war as well as difficulties in life. Because of this, Wu’s works conveyed a deep understanding of the life of the common people. Rear Street was created after… 更多