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246286163454150 時間:2020-05-20 22:00 「“Her speech about cross-strait relations actually carries less goodwill than what she had said four years ago because she simply omitted the part about the 1992 consensus,” said Charles Chen, executive… 更多 director of Washington-based Institute for Taiwan-America Studies, an opposition Kuomintang think tank. Chen, who is also a KMT legislator, said Tsai had also lowered the importance of the cross-strait relations. “No mutual trust, no sharing of mutual interest and no communication mechanisms were mentioned [in the speech],” he said, adding this would shut the door of cross-strait communications and rapprochement for four more years.」 Beijing warns of action against Washington after Pompeo congratulates Taiwan’s Tsai https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3085190/pompeo-congratulates-taiwans-tsai-ing-wen-her-second-term #香港南華早報 #蔡英文520就任演說 |
用卑劣陰狠小人的手段奪得政權,她不配當中華民國的總統!我為中華民國的先賢先烈哭泣,中華民國被竊國賊給強佔了! |
247390380010395 時間:2020-05-22 12:30 #這次520演說兩岸善意不見了 以信仔細比對蔡總統兩次就職演說,發現這次她沒說出口的,竟比說出口的還精彩。四年前蔡總統雖然不提九二共識,但還提到九二認知、九二事實,承認兩岸兩會曾在1992年達成共同認知與諒解,表示願意尊重這個事實。當時她肯向對岸釋放善意,但四年後這些善意通通不見,取而代之的是擴大的分歧、對立與變局⋯ 影片
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國民黨也不用提什麼善不善意,那都是執政黨的事,不需要去當煞車皮! |