Month: 2022-02

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時間:2022-02-17 16:00
今天是科索沃獨立14周年的日子,致政身為「台灣–科索沃國會聯誼會」的會長,藉此機會表達祝賀,從威權走向民主,科索沃人民流血流汗不畏艱難,台灣與科索沃有相似的經歷,更有相同的民主價值,希望今年疫情早日解封,致政願意擔任兩國交往的橋樑,為實質的雙邊交流努力,使台-科外交關係持續深化。 #台科友好 Today marks the 14th anniversary of Kosovo's declaration of… 更多 independence. As the chair of the "Kosovo-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship" group, I would like to congratulate the people of Kosovo for their bravery in the fight for democracy. Taiwan relates to Kosovo's democratic experience and shared values, and I will continue to build positive Taiwan-Kosovo relations and strengthen bilateral ties in the future!