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3784150614947788 時間:2020-09-28 12:23 就保被保險人符合失業給付請領條件,於失業給付請領期限屆滿前受僱工作,並參加就業保險滿3個月以上者,得請領提早就業獎助津貼。 更多資訊:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0006446.html #就保 Early Reemployment Incentives The insured person should meet the qualification for unemployment… 更多 benefits and be hired to a job before the expiration of unemployment benefits claiming period and has joined the Insurance for more than 3 months, may claim early reemployment incentives. 🔹For more information:https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0007483.html |
請問如果附合勞保月領失能給付,勞工退休金專戶的錢是否也可以一次領或分次領謝謝。 |