文章 | 留言 |
10162043380136030 時間:2022-03-08 08:55 #快訊 大S再婚20年前舊愛! 老公韓團酷龍「具俊曄」曝喜訊 |
Congratulations |
10162047609551030 時間:2022-03-10 12:00 小S這個中間人也是難為😅 |
Congratulations |
6999418003426564 時間:2022-03-11 12:55 TACO編:是真的沒意識到摔下去有多嚴重嗎 |
Omg who children |
Why never lock the top floor. I also stay top floor but they got lock | |
10162063422006030 時間:2022-03-17 22:25 只是突發奇想去吃鐵板燒,就好像去度假的放鬆~ 保持愉快的心情,加油!! |
Take care. Wish you all the Best |
10162069545451030 時間:2022-03-21 07:45 具俊曄反應超快👍 噓!星聞 |
Very nice person got a good heart lucky to marry him |
10162073496136030 時間:2022-03-22 16:50 這條路很辛苦...一起加油吧! |
Take care Wish you good health All the Best |
10162085721436030 時間:2022-03-28 17:10 甜甜的💞 |
Congratulations Wish you all the Best and happy married. |