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205773494172084 時間:2020-03-27 07:59 #沒想過會受到英文台北時報的社論肯定 #仔細想想我是不是說錯了什麼 #ChenIsRight #為何貼英文自動被翻譯成中文呢 Su was responding to a question by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Charles Chen (陳以信), who had said that Taiwan should capitalize on its… 更多 first-rate disease prevention experts and experience to “show the world its loss for excluding [Taiwan] from the WHO.” Chen is right. Taiwan must use this time — when the nation’s international profile has been elevated due to its pandemic response — to deliver a message to the world. https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2020/03/27/2003733444 超連結 TAIPEITIMES.COM
EDITORIAL: Fighting China’s lethal propaganda - Taipei TimesOn Tuesday last week, Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) said that he would ask government officials to assess the possibility of holding an online conference with international disease prevention experts to share Taiwan’s methods of limiting the spread of COVID-19. Su was responding to a question... |
好久沒看英文新聞了,委員加油問政,我加油恢復英文。 |
206551130760987 時間:2020-03-28 11:59 #振興台灣經濟三支箭 第一箭:第三波經濟紓困方案要盡快研擬務求一次到位! 第二箭:大幅擴增企業紓困貸款與政府融資保證規模! 第三箭:再次發放全民消費券並預置大量失業救濟金準備。 #因應全球經濟緊縮台灣需要強心針不是OK繃 |
其實趁這次疫情,應該好好的檢視我們的產業結構與真正進行升級轉型,把科技跟傳統做一次整合,讓我們把過去停滯浪費的時間追趕回來。 |