Month: 2015-11

文章 留言
時間:2015-11-27 17:00
第一航廈B8萬花織艷候機室,將台灣紡織業的特色,透過裝置藝術分享給大家。 Taiwan revitalized the textile industry and had been recognized as very successful in the past… 更多 few years. Now, Taiwan is the world's leading producer of Functional Textile. It also inspires many designers to mingle originality with functional Textile. We show the characteristic of Taiwan's textile industry at “B8 Glamorous Textile Art Waiting lounge” of T1 by decorating with brightly colored and sumptuously textured fabrics.
#Taoyuanairport #Glamorous #Textile #Art
昨天剛從香港回來,第一航廈的確美多了~棒棒( ̄∇ ̄)