Month: 2018-08

文章 留言
時間:2018-08-25 15:45
蔡適應新增了 17 張相片 — 在基隆市。2018年8月25日下午3:45 · 基隆市 · 【基隆市淡江大學校友會新生暨家長座談會】 進入大學就讀,新生和家長總會有點忐忑不安,校友會的學長、學姊們,作為一個過來人,只要學弟妹們有需要幫助,都會很樂意的提供協助,祝福各位大一新生、在校生,在五虎崗精進學業、帶著樸實剛毅展翅高飛!
---相關連絡資訊如下--- 立法委員蔡適應服務處
基隆市中正區義一路114號2樓… 更多
連絡電話:(02)2426-0182 淡江大學 中華民國淡江大學校友總會 基隆市淡江大學校友會 總幹事信箱 #基隆市在外求學學子
#基隆蔡適應還有 14 張
Taiwanese people , do you like to stop and sue your DPP… 更多 government from building more Coal Power Stations to pollution the atmosphere and want to harm Taiwanese people health . I have the videos to proof that I had sent messages to your President Tsai Ing Wen , William Lai Ching Te , Environmental Protection Administrator Li Ying Yuan and DPP Legislators to tell them , my design the Oval Shape Reservoir to prouce Renewable Energy to power Taiwan . Taiwanese people , please visit my Facebook to view my design that will help you to breath in Clean Air and have a better chances to live a healthy life .