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962294107187707 時間:2016-03-15 11:56 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年3月15日上午3:56 · 展覽預告:書中龍也—歷代十七帖法書名品展(4月2日開展!) Coming Exhibit: The Dragon of Calligraphy: Select Examples of "Shiqi Modelbook" Through the Ages 展期(Dates):2016/04/02~2016/06/26 展覽說明(Description):… 更多 〈十七帖〉為書聖王羲之(303-361)晚年致友人信札之集成,因第一札起首寫有「十七」二字而得名。原蹟見於唐代,今已佚失不傳,後人多藉傳世的臨、摹、刻本及文獻著錄來勾勒原帖範式。全篇書體概以草書為主,用筆流暢,線條遒勁有力,姿態勻稱優美,宋人黃伯思(1079-1118)譽為「書中龍也」。 本次選展院藏歷代〈十七帖〉相關作品十三組件,藉以呈現此烜赫名帖的書法之美,以及在中國書法史上的影響和遞變。 "Shiqi Modelbook" is a collection of letters written by Wang Xizhi (303-361; venerated as China's "Sage Calligrapher") in his late years to friends and takes its name from the first two characters of the first letter: shiqi ("seventeen"). The original "Shiqi Modelbook" appeared as early as the Tang dynasty (618-907)… 更多 圖片
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