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10157938256041065 時間:2022-02-22 17:26 台灣的創新研發能量和發明實力,一直讓台灣具有高度的國際競爭力。 今年,我們有許多優秀人才,獲得國際傑出發明家獎,其中在國防及戰略產業方面的得獎人徐子圭教授,在軍旅期間,更被大家稱作「國軍發明王、空軍愛迪生」。 徐教授是位航太博士,曾經參與IDF經國號戰機引擎的研發改進,也是F-16戰機引擎電腦監控診斷系統的專利發明人,真的很不簡單。… 更多 除了徐教授,現場得獎人研發的項目橫跨很多領域,包括精準醫療、再生能源、人工智慧,以及國防及戰略產業等等,都是六大核心戰略產業當中的關鍵項目,也都取得一定數量的國內外專利,非常值得肯定。 這也顯示,得獎者的研發成就,帶來不只科技和經濟上的成果,也回應了很多重要的社會問題,甚至也進一步強化了國家整體戰略安全,以及自我防衛的能力。 這兩年來,全球在經濟及社會環境方面,都有重大的轉變。政府也會繼續投入更多資源,與各個優秀的發明家及研究者一起努力,回應台灣以及全世界的轉變和需求! CIIS 中華創新發明學會 Chinese Innovation & Invention Society |
@{林德宇|187rain} Ordinary drinking water is used to assist in the treatment of COVID-2019. When you have a cough caused by COVID-2019, swallowing a small amount of drinking water multiple times at the same time can reduce the irritation of the throat, and then through the natural immunity of humans, you can get a certain degree of help to treat COVID-2019. This principle is to reduce the irritating cough of the throat by swallowing water and reduce the person's immune storm, so that the immunity of the person can be calmly killed COVID-2019. Of course, it also needs to cooperate to improve human immunity, like taking nutrients such as general amino acids and vitamins, including ordinary vegetables, as well as reasonable rest and chest expansion exercises, and to promote breathing in fresh air. |