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244049013677865 時間:2020-05-17 23:00 #紀念佟秉正老師 佟老師來自台灣,畢業於師大,在倫敦亞非學院教了五十幾年。我的指導老師艾詩教授,七十年代在亞非學中文時,就是佟老師教的。所以佟老師是我老師的老師,算是我的「師公」!大家可能不知道,佟老師還是國民黨的老黨友。幾年前我離開國民黨發言人的位子,回到倫敦兼任國民黨海外部義務副主任,就在倫敦支部的餐會活動中,還與佟老師坐在旁邊聊了許久,感到開心又榮幸!今天才得知他三月中離開的消息,感到很遺憾,特此紀念。希望他的靈魂安息,家人與懷念他的人心中都有平安。 https://www.soas.ac.uk/news/newsitem147517.html 超連結 SOAS.AC.UK
In Memoriam: Dr. T’ung Ping-cheng 佟秉正 | SOAS University of LondonPing-cheng was born in the mid-1930s in Beijing at a time when there was no formal registration of births. Later, the family moved to Lanzhou in Gansu province, and then in 1950 he was taken by his paternal uncle to Taiwan, travelling via Kunming, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. (It was not until 1979 ..... |
這種講歷史的懷念是讓人感傷的🙏 |