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202928198003369 時間:2020-11-08 10:12 恭喜拜登當選美國第46任總統,更要恭喜賀錦麗成為美國史上首位女副總統!這真的是一項歷史性的成就。 作為世界的領導國家,特別面對險峻的新冠疫情,美國的責任重大。期待在拜登的領導下,美國繼續與中華民國維持堅實、友好的夥伴關係,深化雙方的友誼,並幫助臺灣更繁榮、更安全,以對國際社會做出更多、更具體的貢獻。 Congratulations to Mr. Biden for being elected the 46th… 更多 President of the United States, and to Kamala Harris for becoming the first female vice president in American history! This is truly a historic achievement. As a global leader, the United States has heavy responsibilities, especially in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. We sincerely wish that under Biden's leadership, the United States will continue to maintain and further solidify its friendship with Taiwan, the Republic of China, so that we can make meaningful contributions to the international community through deepened cooperation. #美國大選 #超過270張選舉人團票 (圖片引用自臉書) |
img:https://scontent-tpe1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.1997-6/17625892_193083004543970_5966715103297404928_n.png?stp=cp0_dst-png_s110x80&_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=ac3552&_nc_ohc=7mDUN2ivmfwAX8AULVY&_nc_ht=scontent-tpe1-1.xx&oh=00_AT_oC2MpbI0PKSyRq6at3ejMRDWN0rwmnYpjTfM_bJgAfA&oe=6247BB4D |