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5495505300478969 時間:2022-03-07 12:23 適用勞退新制的勞工朋友(含本國籍、外籍配偶、陸港澳地區配偶、永久居留的外籍人士),可參加自願提繳退休金,除可累積更多個人退休金專戶的本金,自提的金額每年也可參與分配投資運用收益,請領退休金時還享有不低於依2年定期存款利率所計算的保證收益保障,讓老年退休生活更安心。… 更多 請雇主主動徵詢勞工自願提繳退休金的意願,而有意願的勞工朋友可依個人的經濟狀況,於每月工資6%範圍內彈性提繳,並透過雇主向勞保局申報及繳納自願提繳金額,也可隨時申報停止自願提繳退休金喔! 更多資訊: https://www.bli.gov.tw/0105691.html Workers who apply to new labor pension system (including Taiwan citizens; foreign spouses; spouses from mainland, Hong Kong, or Macau; and permanent resident foreigners) may voluntarily participate in the voluntary pension contribution, the workers not only can increase the deposit in their individual labor pension account, but also are entitled to the annual distribution of investment returns against the part of voluntary… 更多 |
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請問56歲辦退休,還繳國民年金嗎? |