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2891698317580600 時間:2020-04-14 09:00 因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19,武漢肺炎)疫情,強化各項防疫及整備作業,北部院區至2020年5月31日止,延長調整開放時間的措施。 In Response to the COVID-19 Epidemic, the Northern Branch of the National Palace Museum Will Continue Its Adjusted Opening Hours Until May… 更多 31, 2020. •開放時間:每週二至週日09:00~17:00 •週一休館 •取消每日及週末延長開館時間 •暫停專人導覽服務及張大千紀念館對外開放 •圖書文獻館於每週日、週一及國定假日休館 •南部院區開放時間不變 🌿恢復時間視疫情而定,將參考中央流行疫情指揮中心相關指示再行通知。✴️請隨時關注本院官網最新消息。造成您的不便,尚請見諒,感謝您的配合! As the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) becomes increasingly severe, the National Palace Museum (NPM) will enhance its epidemic prevention measures. Until May 31, 2020, the NPM Northern Branch will continue its adjusted opening hours as follows: •Tuesday to Sunday, 09:00~17:00; and will remain closed on… 更多 |
請問之前憑證免費參觀的時段,是否也暫時取消了? |