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10158342206972720 時間:2020-05-27 12:31 今天晚上八點, 猜猜嘉瑜將跟Appworks創辦人、台灣大哥大總經理 #林之晨 合唱什麼歌? ———————————— 本系列直播由 Talent Circulation Alliance 人才循環大聯盟製播,並由AIT和 #港湖女神 高嘉瑜立委共同主持。這是本系列直播第四集,介紹台灣頂尖創新家如何將他們在美國的寶貴經驗,化作應對全球疫情的有效方案。今晚八點請鎖定AIT臉書,敬請準時收看直播! Tune in… 更多 today at 20:00 to hear Appworks Founder and Taiwan Mobile President #JamieLin to share his views on how the COVID-19 pandemic will accelerate a shift to a digital future. This is the fourth episode of the #TalentCirculationAlliance COVID-19 video series, hosted by AIT and Legislator 高嘉瑜 Kao Chia-yu. The series showcases Taiwan’s top innovators and how they are using their experience in the United States to develop solutions to the global pandemic. Stay tuned! #RealFriendsRealProgress #StriveTogetherThriveTogether #TaiwanModel #USTaiwanCooperationOnCOVID19 #美台作伙抗疫 #真朋友真進展 #共同努力共同得益 |
img:https://scontent-tpe1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.1997-6/67655595_480336639418632_8056804441895993344_n.png?stp=cp0_dst-png_s110x80&_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=ac3552&_nc_ohc=A-EVf3XXoyIAX_AI2lH&_nc_ht=scontent-tpe1-1.xx&oh=00_AT9MOti3j2gSG_quz3ie1kq_PQbR7xpKHbO3TZ_kewniMQ&oe=62485845 |