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1555887554577657 時間:2020-05-05 10:18 #衛福編編分享時間 食用玩家-食藥署 #假訊息注意 #勤洗手才是王道 分享 食用玩家-食藥署
今天是二十四節氣中的立夏,代表時序已經進入夏天<br> 對於即將面臨的炎熱天氣,進補也會偏向涼補 小編發現,最近網路上流傳了好多<br> 號稱可以「治療」新冠肺炎的「食補法」,都是假的!假的!假的! 🤥 #正向防疫 #慎防防疫假訊息 #謝謝每一個願意配合的你 #保持社交距離 #避免群聚 #肥皂勤洗手
#台灣加油💪 #全世界加油💪 #歡迎大家一起繼續素食祈禱! #眾志成城… 更多 精誠所至 金石為開 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Let's pray together and help stop the Coronavirus disease with a powerful mental force! |
1569111913255221 時間:2020-05-19 14:06 #衛福編編報報 #英文版 ❗Taiwan goes 37 days without local coronavirus cases, 12 days with no imported infection❗ ⏲2020.05.19 The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that no additional cases of coronavirus… 更多 disease 2019 (COVID-19) were confirmed in Taiwan on May 19. Of 440 confirmed cases in Taiwan, 349 are imported and 55 are locally acquired while 36 are Navy crews aboard the Panshi Fast Combat Support Ship. Of the confirmed cases, there have been 7 deaths, and 401 patients have been released from isolation, with the remainder remaining hospitalized in isolation. #TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping #2019nCoV #COVID19 #MOHW_Taiwan |
#台灣加油💪 #全世界加油💪 #歡迎大家一起繼續素食祈禱! #眾志成城… 更多 精誠所至 金石為開 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Let's pray together and help stop the Coronavirus disease with a powerful mental force! |