Month: 2022-01

文章 留言
時間:2022-01-12 18:00
Painting of a Suanni (Lion), Ming dynasty (1368-1644) 「狻猊」是獅子的舊稱,由於獅子並不是中國原生的物種,「狻猊」可能是外語的音譯。永樂、宣德朝外國貢獅頻仍,其後中斷,一直到成化、弘治朝,才又有撒馬爾罕來朝貢獅。此作應為弘治朝宮廷畫家的作品,尺幅甚大,可能曾張掛於宮廷壁面,以為紀念。 An old calling for lions,… 更多 “suanni” could be a transliteration from a foreign language since the animal is not native to China. The foreign tributes of lions were once frequent during the Yongle and Xuande reigns of the Ming dynasty, and the offer gradually came to a halt. It was not until the Chenghua and Hongzhi periods when Samarkand resumed the offer of lions as tributes. This large-sized painting was rendered by a court artist of the Hongzhi reign, and was probably hung at the court as a commemorative token. ************************************
北部院區 第一展覽區 105陳列室
Sail to the Horizon: Islamic Inspiration in the 15th Century
Northern Branch, Exhibition Area I Gallery 105
Date: 26.10.2021-26.1.2022
我記得當時看故宮動物園展覽說大部分畫家無以見到這些珍奇外國物種 很多是靠口耳相傳的形象加上畫家本身的想像力作畫